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22 July 2023 | Polaris Hall, Akademi Laut Malaysia

Shaping Maritime Leaders of the Future

Akademi Laut Malaysia congratulates the cadets who have completed their academic journey and are now ready for their next chapter. The academy commends their dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence. The academy also expresses its appreciation to all parties who contributed to the success of the 122nd Convocation Ceremony.

Congratulations to all Graduates!

It is with immense pleasure and pride that I extend a warm welcome to all the families, sponsors, and esteemed guests gathered here today for Akademi Laut Malaysia's (ALAM) 122nd Convocation Ceremony. This is a momentous and truly memorable occasion for all of us as we come together to celebrate the achievements of our graduates.

Today, we are honored to witness the graduation of 769 maritime trainees from various programmes, namely Deck and Engine Ratings, Diploma in Nautical Studies, Diploma in Marine Engineering and Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering.

We are very proud of their accomplishments and the efforts they have put forth to reach this point. This convocation not only marks the end of a chapter but also the beginning of new opportunities for the graduates as they embark on successful careers and make a positive impact in the maritime industry.

Once again, congratulations and well done to all the graduates, and may their achievements be a source of inspiration for future students and a testament to the hard work and support of their loved ones and everyone at ALAM.

Wishing you all the best in your journey ahead.

Prof. Dr. Hamdan Bin Suhaimi

Ketua Eksekutif

Akademi Laut Malaysia

Event Itinerary

122nd ALAM Convocation Ceremony

22 July 2023

Polaris Hall, Akademi Laut Malaysia

0700 Arrival & Registration

0830 Arrival of Guests to Polaris Hall

0915 The Procession of ALAM Academia and ALAM Graduands

0955 Opening Ceremony

1000 Welcoming Speech

1010 Opening and Officiating Speech

1020 Announcement of Conferment and Presentation of Certificates to Ratings

1055 Performance by ALAM Band

1105 Announcement of Conferment and Presentation of Diploma in Nautical Studies

1140 Announcement of Conferment and Presentation of Diploma in Marine Engineering

1205 Presentation of Awards

1220 Token of Appreciation to Chairman of MMASB

1225 Valedictorian Speech

1235 Announcement of ALUMNI

1240 Closing Ceremony & Procession

End of Convocation Ceremony

Celebrating the Achievements of Our Top Graduates

At our institution, we are always proud to recognise exceptional accomplishments. We would like to honour our 769 best graduates for their outstanding leadership, academic excellence, and remarkable commitment to their studies.

Hall of Fame

Our cadets are highly skilled and dedicated, excelling in their academic pursuits and practical application of knowledge. They specialise in Diploma in Nautical Studies, Marine Engineering, and Ratings programme, and have a deep understanding of industry standards and best practices through rigorous training and hands-on experience. We take pride in helping them achieve their goals.

Download the programme booklet

Email us at mma@alam.edu.my shall you require any form of assistance

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